Sexual fantasies of men and women
On the way to work, at breakfast, during an important meeting, meeting a stranger's gaze, switching TV channels, waiting for the dentist, a great many images and situations constantly arise in our minds, which we have never been in, which have happened to us or which we would like to be in. And we find ourselves in the power of our fantasies, which are subject to everything... What do representatives of the stronger and more fragile halves of humanity fantasize about?
Every man and every woman has their own sexual fantasies. They can be tender or wild, but everyone has them, alas, not everyone admits it and not always, and yet it would be much more pleasant! Isn't it sweet to imagine yourself desired by all the men on earth, to have sex on a billiard table or on a piano? Fantasy helps a woman to increase arousal, and a man to possess what and who he does not possess.
Male fantasies are more active and aggressive in nature and mainly focus on the woman's body and what he would like to do with it, while in female fantasies the main place is occupied by the man's interest in her body. In men's sexual fantasies, sexual intercourse itself, naked bodies and physical satisfaction prevail. The nurse who did not know how passionate the patient from ward No. 2 could be, that other man's wife who for her husband, an oligarch, is just a beautiful toy that he brags about to his partners, a stranger in an airplane at an altitude of 10,000 m above the ground, a young math intern who yesterday invited your parents to school, but today is ready to study with you extra after school…. Women have sex in their fantasies in a haystack with a kind of "cowboy", or near a river, or in the forest, pressed against a huge tree trunk. For them, the main thing is romance. Their dream is "unbridled sex".
Men fantasize more often than women about contacts with several partners and about group sex, while women are more interested in same-sex and bisexual contacts. In their fantasies, men often imagine scenes of domination: a secretary in a short skirt, ready to silently listen to the assurances of her boss, while women's fantasies prefer to paint scenes of submission: modest and excellent students secretly dream of being tied up or handcuffed. In this form, they are ready to indulge in unbridled passion, to surrender to the will of the winner. Our imagination can not only create erotic images, but also exercise in playing out entire scenarios that awaken emotional and sexual arousal in us. So why not share your erotic fantasies? Let's fantasize together, share moments of bliss with each other... And the world will bend to the beat of our rapid heartbeat... ;)))