Erotic massage from King salon in Kiev
On pre-holiday days, every man thinks about buying an original gift that will please and surprise his beloved. In search of a worthy present, we spend a lot of time and finally, having achieved the desired goal, we complement the purchase with a bouquet of flowers. But will the next congratulation be unusual, no different from many previous ones? Most likely not. Undoubtedly, it will bring joy to a woman, but it is unlikely to be remembered for a long time. In order to emphasize your love and affection, some furor is needed, a little out of the usual rules. That is why it is worth decorating the holiday with an unforgettable addition in such a format as an erotic massage from a salon. This will be a pleasant surprise that will put your feelings on a higher level of relations.
If you want to do it at home, then first of all you need to create a romantic atmosphere. Your bedroom should be transformed, turning into a fabulous place with subdued lighting, quiet pleasant music, a love bed decorated with silk sheets. Also, you should buy massage oil in advance, with your significant other's favorite scent. It is better if your beloved woman does not see these "preparations", otherwise the surprise will not be so effective. If everything went well and she remains unaware of the upcoming night of love, blindfold her and take her to the bedroom. Do not let her take off the blindfold until you personally undress her and lay her down on the bed. Slowly undressing your beloved, kiss those corners of her body that you expose. This tenderness and mystery will ignite passion and enhance the sensations from the process.
So, the woman is naked and already in the mood to continue further actions. Remove the blindfold and let her enjoy the view of the romantic setting. Next, lay her on her stomach, pour some aromatic oil on her back and begin to perform slow, circular strokes. Gently massage the entire body: from the neck to the toes, not leaving a centimeter of skin without attention. Try not to get distracted and not to interrupt contact, this is what the erotic massage salon King in Kyiv advises. The massage can be accompanied by quiet words about the beauty and advantages of her body, this is necessary so that the woman does not think about extraneous things that can spoil the entire erotic mood. Sexologists believe that any part of the female body can be an erogenous zone, you just need to know how to sensually caress it. At first, do not touch the main centers of voluptuousness (nipples, vagina), the woman should be thoroughly warmed up, made to languish with desire and only then begin to stimulate these zones. In this way, you can greatly enhance the sexual pleasure and orgasm of your beloved.
You can diversify the caresses of the nipples: gently bite, pinch and tug them. Many women like it when the nipples are pulled a little, but the main thing here is not to overdo it and not cause pain. Massage the genitals in the same way, using oil. Start with the pubis, smoothly moving lower, this is how the erotic massage salon King in Kyiv advises. The entrance to the vagina is very sensitive, so circular manipulations in this area will bring special pleasure. Spread the labia and lightly caress the area around the clitoris. Not all ladies like it when the clitoris itself is stimulated, as this causes too sharp and even unpleasant sensations, and the area around it is very sensitive, so many use it for masturbation. Most likely, your beloved will experience an orgasm (or several) even before you get closer to her in a fit of love. The massage session can be considered complete when the woman is burning with passion and wants only one thing - to merge with you as soon as possible. Undoubtedly, such an end to the holiday will be special for your beloved, and your efforts to present an original gift will remain in the most pleasant memories.